It took some time for me to realise that girls go through all the exact same worries and fears about boys, that we did about them. If they like someone, there is still all that fear, all that churning in the stomach, and believe it or not, turmoil in the loins. As I said, It seems to be just the conditioning they go through. Our conditioning is controling us, why should they be any different?
Oddly, I have always said that one of the sexes in all species has to be given the driving force, to seek out the other sex and to procreate. The act itself is made pleasureable (TO BOTH) so they will do it, thereby passing on their genes. Having said that, I always said it was the male of the human species, but while that bears out in many instances, it has been a huge surprise to me that there are an aweful lot more women out there than I would ever have thought possible, who have strong driving forces to have others genes thrust upon them...so to speak.
The Battle of the Sexes has been going on for centuries and I dont just mean for superiority, but for procreation. As far as superiority is concerned, equal rights and all that, I have to admit that for a woman to be equal to a man, sometimes would be a step backward for her. That still doesn't stop me having a little fun with things though...the devil makes me do it.

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