This is a subject close to my heart. Looking versus seeing!
This is fought on two fronts, firstly, I subscribe to the oft held view that a woman who wears a push up bra and/or wears a plunging neckline gives up the right to complain about guys (girls?) looking at her tits! nuff said!
Secondly, and this has happened so very often it's not funny, if a woman leans towards you and accidently shows off a lot of cleavage, right in front of your eyes, are you a perve or is it their fault? The gentlemanly thing to do would be look away, but you have to see first that there is something you need to be looking away from. And as happened to me in Surfers Paradise, when a girl walked in front of the car, right before my eyes at a crossing, wearing one of the skimpiest of bikinis I have seen, is that my fault?
Seeing is different to looking. Looking, to me, implies some activity on my part, some physical thing that I do, like positioning myself so that I can turn my head or turn my eyes to get a good view. This is opposed to seeing, where things happen in front of you, without any forethought or input.
Perhaps I can explain with an example.
Result: viewing a woman's underwear
Looking: sitting in front and looking between her legs, or mirrors on your shoes, or getting down on the floor for her to walk past, or even positioning yourself under a set of stairs. (sounds a bit scary that I know all this eh?..just an active imagination perhaps >:) )
Seeing: Woman falls over, or dress blows up in the wind in front of you, or she steps out of a change cubcle.
There are of course some very gray areas here. I do tend to get lots of views and I am wondering if somewhere deep in my subconcious that my positioning is subconscious and I get to see lots of things. I also have to admit that I am an avid watcher of humanity. I could sit on Southbank on the Yarra in Melbourne day and/or night and enjoy the rich tapestry of different people both normal and wierd/wonderful walk past.
Wives and girlfriends have struggled with this concept, one quite particularly, until one day a group of male cyclist passed in front of us, their taught thigh muscles and pert butts on show in their skimpy skin tight bike shorts. Then the tables were turned!!!
She finally grasped the concept.
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