I am sitting here at work, staring out of the window. They say that people in offices shouldnt stare out of the window in the morning because then they will have nothing to do in the afternoon...well, haha...
It's quiet at work today, the 42c temperature might have something to do with it. I was busy this mornijng, mowing lawns, stacking things in storage, general cleanups outside and all, but it got too hot, so I have retreated inside to the smooth syren like call of my airconditioner.
Some days I am the life of the party, hard working, self starting...you know...right on the ball, other days, like today, I am a bit lethargic, and I dont know that it's the heat. Perhaps I need a large cleansing shit or something...or perhaps I need some excitement in my life, good excitement, not terrifying excitement let me add.
A good fantasy always works, not necessarily sexual, but I'm not fussy right now.
I am going on a big holiday in a month or so, maybe that's the problem. You know when you are approaching your holidays and all you can think about is getting away and you get into holiday mode about 2 weeks out? Well I am about eight weeks out, but it's a bloody big holiday!
Globe trotting through 5 countries sounds great apart from the expense. Perhaps there lies my fantasy and my excitement all together. I am staying away from middle eastern countries, not from any prejudice, but merely from a safety thing. I would love one of them to be America but alas, next trip. I am sure I will meet Americans on my journey, they travel a lot. My dear old Dad travelled a bit and he said Americans came in two types, the savvy, seasoned individuals that were aware of the outside world, and then there was the insular travellers who thought that when English failed to communicate with anyone, LOUD English would succeed. I imagine there are insular travellers of all nations, he just thought that the USA had a slight monopoly.
So here I sit, waiting...waiting for...something...a holiday... a customer...the phone to ring. I sit here and watch the flies and lizards and the other flying stinging biting insects hover outside my window. The ones inside get short shrift from my trusty can of flyspray. The flyspray is crap...but when you hit them with the can it works great.
We had a snake in the ladies toilet once. Lady complained... "There's something in the toilet!". I thought she meant a frog or huge turd or something. No.. loe and behold, curled up under the rim of the toilet almost completely out of sight was a 4 foot carpet python. Wouldn't you need councelling if that thing came up between your legs while you were taking an unsuspecting crap??
We got it out in the end and "released" it far far away. (never far enough!!!) How???.. with four burly Policemen, one Ranger, one Animal Carer, three bemused visitors, two frightened employees, three hand guns, one shotgun, and most useful of all, a stick with a loop of string on the end to go around the snake's neck!
That's definately not the type of excitement I am looking for right now...perhaps that sexual fantasy..where did I put my Penthouse magazine?
Friday, January 18, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Material Safety Data Sheet

Click the small image to open the larger copy.
And it's right, this material can be extremely hazardous to your health or even parts of it if it comes in contact, just ask Mr Bobbitt!
I hate stereotyping but how is it that so many of the items on this data sheet have us nodding our heads and /or smiling?
Why is it that stereotyping of any kind is frowned upon but is formed by these traits being usual to a particular "type"? And if it's a true trait, why is it wrong, why isnt it just...true? Build a bridge and get over it!!!! Lighten up. :) Life's too short to get upset about the little stuff. (That's what somebody said, but I'm not sure I always agree with that... but then that's usually the way with people like me isn't it?)
Friday, January 11, 2008
Feminists v Chauvinists

It took some time for me to realise that girls go through all the exact same worries and fears about boys, that we did about them. If they like someone, there is still all that fear, all that churning in the stomach, and believe it or not, turmoil in the loins. As I said, It seems to be just the conditioning they go through. Our conditioning is controling us, why should they be any different?
Oddly, I have always said that one of the sexes in all species has to be given the driving force, to seek out the other sex and to procreate. The act itself is made pleasureable (TO BOTH) so they will do it, thereby passing on their genes. Having said that, I always said it was the male of the human species, but while that bears out in many instances, it has been a huge surprise to me that there are an aweful lot more women out there than I would ever have thought possible, who have strong driving forces to have others genes thrust upon them...so to speak.
The Battle of the Sexes has been going on for centuries and I dont just mean for superiority, but for procreation. As far as superiority is concerned, equal rights and all that, I have to admit that for a woman to be equal to a man, sometimes would be a step backward for her. That still doesn't stop me having a little fun with things though...the devil makes me do it.

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Picture of a Duck (Lge v Sml)
I was just scrolling through a folder on my computer and came across this picture. It's one of my favorites. It doesn't quite lend itself to the post I did on the Looking/Seeing concept but it does give a really good picture of the duck.
This isn't smutty, it's art (????) ... and very funny, especially in an email marked Picture of a Duck.
I suppose this brings about the discussion of real versus natural, big versus small, and I have to be honest and say that I much prefer naturals from fake, having had a pair of fake ones in my hand. To be honest this lady had very small implants so I can imagine that prior to her surgery she must have had nothing at all. This opens a can of worms regarding why that was ok and not someone with Bs wanting DDs, and why is it any different than someone having nothing AAAAAs and wanting A+ for instance. Not my concern. I prefer the feel of naturals, and when they make fake ones that feel natural (and I am sure it will come) that will be different.
As for the Lge v Sml debate, all I can say is WHY LIMIT YOURSELF? I have the utmost adoration for all breasts, large or small, from IBTC (Itty Bitty Titty Committee) to the G size like these.
Anyway.. I like the picture of the duck..it is a Black Duck...as in...not this little black duck.
This isn't smutty, it's art (????) ... and very funny, especially in an email marked Picture of a Duck.
I suppose this brings about the discussion of real versus natural, big versus small, and I have to be honest and say that I much prefer naturals from fake, having had a pair of fake ones in my hand. To be honest this lady had very small implants so I can imagine that prior to her surgery she must have had nothing at all. This opens a can of worms regarding why that was ok and not someone with Bs wanting DDs, and why is it any different than someone having nothing AAAAAs and wanting A+ for instance. Not my concern. I prefer the feel of naturals, and when they make fake ones that feel natural (and I am sure it will come) that will be different.
As for the Lge v Sml debate, all I can say is WHY LIMIT YOURSELF? I have the utmost adoration for all breasts, large or small, from IBTC (Itty Bitty Titty Committee) to the G size like these.
Anyway.. I like the picture of the duck..it is a Black Duck...as in...not this little black duck.

Body Paint
Boobs in your face!

This is a subject close to my heart. Looking versus seeing!
This is fought on two fronts, firstly, I subscribe to the oft held view that a woman who wears a push up bra and/or wears a plunging neckline gives up the right to complain about guys (girls?) looking at her tits! nuff said!
Secondly, and this has happened so very often it's not funny, if a woman leans towards you and accidently shows off a lot of cleavage, right in front of your eyes, are you a perve or is it their fault? The gentlemanly thing to do would be look away, but you have to see first that there is something you need to be looking away from. And as happened to me in Surfers Paradise, when a girl walked in front of the car, right before my eyes at a crossing, wearing one of the skimpiest of bikinis I have seen, is that my fault?
Seeing is different to looking. Looking, to me, implies some activity on my part, some physical thing that I do, like positioning myself so that I can turn my head or turn my eyes to get a good view. This is opposed to seeing, where things happen in front of you, without any forethought or input.
Perhaps I can explain with an example.
Result: viewing a woman's underwear
Looking: sitting in front and looking between her legs, or mirrors on your shoes, or getting down on the floor for her to walk past, or even positioning yourself under a set of stairs. (sounds a bit scary that I know all this eh?..just an active imagination perhaps >:) )
Seeing: Woman falls over, or dress blows up in the wind in front of you, or she steps out of a change cubcle.
There are of course some very gray areas here. I do tend to get lots of views and I am wondering if somewhere deep in my subconcious that my positioning is subconscious and I get to see lots of things. I also have to admit that I am an avid watcher of humanity. I could sit on Southbank on the Yarra in Melbourne day and/or night and enjoy the rich tapestry of different people both normal and wierd/wonderful walk past.
Wives and girlfriends have struggled with this concept, one quite particularly, until one day a group of male cyclist passed in front of us, their taught thigh muscles and pert butts on show in their skimpy skin tight bike shorts. Then the tables were turned!!!
She finally grasped the concept.
Nude / naked cycling
One small step for man....
First post!!!!!
Dont know where this will lead..perhaps nowhere... just thought I would give myself a voice. I get all sorts of thoughts and ideas..all kinds of crazy stuff that I thought I might like to put down somewhere...not just to be read by others and commented on, but more for an historical record kind of thing. I suppose its a bit like the 'pensive' that Dumbledore uses in Harry Potter books...somewhere to store thoughts and ideas. I imagine it will contain all sorts of stuff including pictures that I find witty and I also imagine some that are of questionable standard.
Be warned...read at your own peril!
Dont know where this will lead..perhaps nowhere... just thought I would give myself a voice. I get all sorts of thoughts and ideas..all kinds of crazy stuff that I thought I might like to put down somewhere...not just to be read by others and commented on, but more for an historical record kind of thing. I suppose its a bit like the 'pensive' that Dumbledore uses in Harry Potter books...somewhere to store thoughts and ideas. I imagine it will contain all sorts of stuff including pictures that I find witty and I also imagine some that are of questionable standard.
Be warned...read at your own peril!
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