I made all that up... it was all bullshit... they are great erect nipples in the cold! It reminds me of the very erotic way that women's breasts look when they peel down their cold wet swimming costume when they get back from the pool or the beach. The skin of the breast is covered in goose bumps, the areola puckered, and the nipple hard and cold. (TMI???....) Try putting one in your mouth, it feels wonderful, and the woman will enjoy the warmth from your mouth.
Ok...focus now (me not you)... this brings me to the title. Growing up, many of the things that happen in families seem to carry on as in jokes or family related things, and these things stick in lore. Many years ago I overheard someone ask about what they could do about moss in their lawn, and the answer was "Get to like it!" So now in our family, anytime anyone raises a question where there is no solution, the answer is "MOSS!"
As for Prison Camps, thats a little more obtuse. You know how you don't like to talk dirty in front of your children? You end up speaking in code and hope that they don't catch on, and usually they catch on a couple of years before you realise it, but I digress. So... when you see someone with erect nipples like the woman in the pic, or walking down the street or even just inside a shopping centre's airconditioned areas if you linger just inside the outer doors on a hot day, (notice they always put a seat about two shops in from the entrance just for this purpose), you need a code so you can draw attention to them to your partner, friend etc without you're children finding out you are a sexual deviant.
This code has to make sense to the intended listener, but no sense to the casual over-hearer or child. Hence; Prison Camp. It's pretty lame, yet very effective; let me explain. As most people would know, nipples get very erect when there is a reduction in temperature, when they are cold, and one of the most famous Prison Camps was in Germany,(no not Stalag 13 Mr Klink) and it was called Colditz... (COLD TITS) I am sure you got it, but I had to put that in, in case some didn't.
There you go, now you can walk down the street, or sit on that bench just inside air-conditioned shopping centres on a warm day, and alert your partner or friend to approaching nipplus erectus without having to say out loud "Shit... check out the fantastic stiff nipples on that chic!" You can make some vague comment about prison camps and they will know that they have to look for them.
My partner does this for me... she is great at spotting them and likes them as much as I do... well almost :)
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