When I found this picture... all that I could think of was ...CHEESE SANDWICH!!!
WTF everyone must think.
Let me explain. My partner is a lovely woman, beautiful, sexy, adventurous, horny, just wonderful, but she doesn't like oral sex... giving or recieving.
Me?... I love it. And before the stereotyping kicks in, I have to admit to liking the giving more than the recieving. I have had a bit of experience and I am very thoughtful, and take directions excellently, and like to think of myself as well versed in all forms of foreplay and oral forms in particular...a sort of Cordon Bleu...a connosieur if you will, of pleasing partners. I am not trying to sound big-headed, but rather, painting a picture if you will.
My partner is all the things I have said and I love her, I really do, but she doesnt want foreplay... she wants COCK and she wants it now! It seems such a waste...here she has this Cordon Bleu Chef....and all she wants is a Cheese Sandwich. Hell... it's a great... no... fantastic Cheese Sandwich, but a cheese sandwich all the same. It's a good job no one adds cheese quite like me eh?
I admit to being selfish in wanting to give rather than recieve. I know that is a contradiction, but I get an awful lot of pleasure out of giving someone else pleasure. The feel of the movements beneath your finger tips or lips, the knowledge that they are getting aroused by you and what you're doing is immensly gratifying to me, hence the selfishness of giving.
Perhaps I should turn this into an opportunity. She always says that I should be happy, most guys in the world would be happy not to have to worry about foreplay and just stick it in, but I think an opportunity exists for some teaching, some experiencing, some education... :):)
But whose?
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